Heather Janes - Founder

Since 1991 I have been an 'independent' insurance agent working with many insurers - for multiple risk exposures, but in this chapter of my life, I am focused on Life & Healthcare coverage's for the disabled - and like me - those who are over 65 years of age. Throughout my career, I have been licensed in Illinois, California, Florida and now in my home state of Wisconsin for Health & Life.  Life does get busy & we often forget about ourselves, but I am here to remind you - busy or not - protecting your health is essential for you and those who love you. This is my purpose - to help you with what I know, so you can do what you know.

Why Choose DEW Insurance

Because we care.

You are so much more than any plan or policy design, and so knowing the designs of Medicare's coverage's along with what your needs are today is the stepping stone to where you want to be tomorrow - and this is helpful too. Working together we will minimize the confusion over benefits to maximize what benefits you need in order to provide services beyond (original) Medicare that will be helpful - benefits you have worked all your life for. I look forward to serving you!